Starting a lifetime of care

For practices partnered with Agria, access free cover, reward updates, training availability, reporting, support materials and more…

  • Instant protection with 5 weeks free insurance...

    In less than 60 seconds per pet

  • PMS integration is available

    We’ve partnered with Teleos, Assisi & VetOne to make the process even faster

  • No penalty and free to switch

    It can take less than 24 hours!

  • Double your practice income

    With a client base of insured pets

  • Sustainability and Welfare driven

Why Join Agria?

5 Weeks Free Insurance

To protect every puppy and kitten you see in practice with 5 Weeks Free pet insurance. Click on the link below to submit the owner details - it takes just 60 seconds!

In-practice claims queries

Managed by expert pet claims handlers; 97% of claims submitted are paid out direct to you or your client.

A team for you

Face-to-face or remote training and regular one-to-one meetings with your dedicated Business Development Manager.

Exclusive rewards & discounts

Practice rewards & an exclusive 20% discount for new and renewing dog, cat and rabbit policies. PLUS, it’s valid in conjunction with our multi-pet discount!

Agria Vet Guide

24-hour-a-day expert vet advice, 365 days a year, provided exclusively by UK-based veterinary surgeons.

We understand how busy you are in practice, the Agria Vet Guide app will help support your staff with the volume of triage calls so you can provide critical care to those patients who need the most urgent treatment. This service is provided exclusively by UK based veterinary surgeons.

We will always refer them back to you, their treating vet, should they need a physical examination, further investigation, or treatment.

Working with Agria - a vets perspective

Agria's senior vet lead, Robin Hargreaves BVSc MRCVS explains why he works with Agria and the importance of 5 weeks free cover.

Our partners

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Agria are proud partners of the veterinary practice management system, Teleos. Together our aim is to provide veterinary practices with a quick and easy way to submit Agria 5 Weeks Free Pet Insurance straight from a client’s record; whilst also providing real time access to client’s Agria ‘insurance policy information’ plus, view their cover note and full policy details, including excesses, inception date, cover level and claims history.



For several years, we have supported the ‘Bee-Friendly Vet Practice’ initiatives and since 2017 we’ve been buzzy in partnership with the British Bee Veterinary Association. Part of our support has involved sharing nearly 20,000 bee-friendly seed packets with our vet partners and customers, to give their local bees a boost!

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Vet Envoy

Attaching seamlessly with your Practice Management System (PMS), VetEnvoy allows you to quickly process your practice’s insurance claims without any paperwork securely, straight to us, saving your practice staff hours of time!