Case Study: Crystal’s Story

A bad year for Crystal, the Miniature Schnauzer


Crystal is a four year old Miniature Schnauzer. She’s suffered a couple of minor conditions this year, but fortunately her Pet Insurance policy has made it possible for her owner to arrange the very best care in each instance.

The first condition occurred in the Spring of 2013. Crystal suffered a bout of acute Gastroenteritis and she needed to visit her vet for treatment. On top of her treatment, she was prescribed a special diet to help her recover from the condition.


We received Crystal’s claim late in March and, like all of our claims, we began working on the claim immediately. By the beginning of April, it had been completely settled with her owner. A further claim for a repeat order of special diet food was processed within just five working days.

In November, an abscess on Crystal’s ear meant another visit to her vet. Five days after we received her claim form, we’d processed the claim and released the settlement to Crystal’s owner.

All three claims, with settlements totalling almost £700, were paid directly into the owner’s account and immediately confirmed in writing.

With Agria Pet Insurance, your clients are always supported by a professional, dedicated claims and settlement team. We will work with you and your clients to handle their claims quickly and efficiently, and we will settle claims directly to their bank account or even to your practice.

Working with Agria

Agria is committed to developing products and services that satisfy the changing needs of pet owners and the many organisations that support them. You and your clients will benefit from;

  • Veterinary qualified claims team.
  • Fast and efficient claims process.
  • Claims settled directly to the client or even to your practice.
  • Locally based service team with knowledge of UK veterinary practices.