Frequently Asked Questions

We know horse insurance can be confusing, so here are some of our most frequently asked questions.

We're here to help

Not sure what is included in your policy? Unsure of what to do in the event of a claim? Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about our horse policy. Don't forget that our friendly, UK-based team are on hand to help if you can't find what you're looking for.

It is a legal requirement to have your horse microchipped. To support any claims assessments for your horse, we will need to take their microchip number.

Yes, you can choose the vet to treat your horse. However, in certain circumstances, we may require our vet to be consulted as part of the treatment plan for your horse (we will let you know whether this is required).

Yes, if there is a change in ownership of your horse, please contact our Customer Services team on 03330 308377 who will be happy to help with this. 

This depends on the value of the horse and whether you wish to take out additional cover for loss of use and death. We will let you know whether this is required when taking out a policy with us.

Our equine claims team conduct a review of the requested documentation. Exclusions may then be placed on your policy depending on the findings.

Should exclusions be placed on the policy, you will be informed and an additional 14 day cooling off period will be added.

*Depending on policy requirements 

You can contact our award-winning customer service team on 03330 308377 who will be more than happy to help you with making changes to your policy.

You can contact our award-winning customer service team on 03330 308377 to help with this. 

All our policies offer lifetime cover, which means that you can claim year on year for ongoing and recurring conditions, provided that your premiums are kept up to date. 

Loss of use is when your horse develops an illness or suffers an injury that is so serious that it no longer performs any of the activities listed in activity group two and above in the list shown on your Schedule of Insurance. The illness or injury must be so severe that even the provision of veterinary treatment or continuing care would not enable your horse to perform them.

This is the amount that you must pay towards veterinary treatment and complementary treatment received during each period of insurance. The fixed amount is applied once per period of insurance for the veterinary treatment your horse receives and can only be changed at renewal. 

This is the percentage that you must pay towards the cost of veterinary treatment and complementary treatment received during each period of insurance and is applied per claim. The percentage amount is calculated on the amount left after the fixed excess is deducted. The co-insurance percentage cannot be changed.

Your insurance will not cover the cost of treatment for any illness that happened or showed signs before or in the first 14 days of the policy. However, the policy will provide immediate cover for injuries and also acute colic, pleuropneumonia and pneumonia.

Yes, please contact our Customer Services team 03330 308377 who will be happy to help you change the activity group of your horse. We understand that your horse’s skills can develop and so the activity group can be increased anytime during the policy year, but please note that the activity group can only be decreased at renewal. 

In some cases. We will pay the cost of root tip abscess up to the maximum benefit for the examination and treatment of root abscess. We also cover tooth fracture up to £450 per period of insurance for a tooth fracture involving the tooth root. Please refer to T&Cs for more information

‘Sum insured’ is the amount selected by you that we accepted as the most we will pay. ‘Purchase price’ is what you declared as paying when buying your horse. ‘Market value' is the price generally paid for a horse of the same age, breed, sex and ability as your horse just before the injury happened or the illness first showed clinical signs.


Your vet can submit a claim form via our website.

Claims can be submitted online via our claim form by your vet which can be found hereYou must submit your claim by the end of the period of insurance or within six months from the first date of treatment, whichever is the latter.

Yes, with their agreement. If your vet is happy receive direct payment, this should be indicated on the relevant section on the claim form.

No, your premiums will not be affected by any claims made. 

MRI and CT scans must be pre-approved by us before they are carried out. Your vet will need to complete a pre-authorisation claim form. This form can be found here.

Complementary treatment is covered as part of your vet fees cover up to £1,000. For details of what treatments are covered, please see the T&Cs. Ask your vet or treating therapist to complete the claim form here.

Your vet can submit a claim form via our website.

Yes, as long as the medication was prescribed by the vet treating your pet, you are able to make a claim for medication you have sourced at an alternative pharmacy.  Please note that we will need a copy of the prescription issued by your vet to support your claim as well as the receipts for any medication you have purchased.

You can only claim for treatment that has already taken place.  All claims need to be submitted with a supporting invoice by the vet who has seen your pet, confirming what has been charged for. 

X-Ray Requirements

All radiographs should be clearly labelled with the horse’s name, patient ID number and date.

All radiographs should be adequately exposed and positioned, of diagnostic quality and reviewed in DICOM format.

X-Rays must be no older than 30 days (from the policy start date)

FORELIMBS - This should include:

FEET (Shoes to be removed):

  • Lateromedial (LM)
  • Dorsopalmar (DP)
  • Dorso 65 degree proximal-Palmarodistal Oblique: Navicular Bone
  • Palmaroproximal-palmarodistal (‘skyline’): Navicular Bone


  • Lateromedial (LM): Pasterns & Fetlock
  • Dorsopalmer (DM): Pasterns & Fetlock
  • Dorsolateral-palmaromedial oblique (DLPMO): Pasterns & Fetlock
  • Dorsomedial-palmarolateral oblique (DMPLO): Pasterns & Fetlock

HINDLIMBS - This should include:


  • Lateromedial (LM): Pasterns & Fetlock
  • Dorsopalmer (DM): Pasterns & Fetlock
  • Dorsolateral-palmaromedial oblique (DLPMO): Pasterns & Fetlock
  • Dorsomedial-palmarolateral oblique (DMPLO): Pasterns & Fetlock


  • Dorsalplantar (DP)
  • Lateromedial (LM)
  • Dorsolateral-plantaromedial oblique (DLPMO)
  • Dorsomedial-plantarolateral oblique (DMPLO)


  • Lateromedial
  • Caudocranial lateromedial oblique
  • Caudocranial


  • Lateral views of Dorsal Spinous Processes of the thoracolumbar spine