What is lifetime pet insurance?

At Agria, we believe pet insurance should last your pet’s lifetime. Our policies provide lifelong vet’s fees cover for illnesses and injuries!


Not all pet insurance is the same

Cheaper policies offer more restrictive cover in terms of what they’ll pay for and/or how long they keep paying. It’s therefore important to understand what you are buying from the outset and that your chosen policy will really meet your needs now and in the future.

There are four main types of pet insurance policies generally available and to help you decide we’ve detailed what each one covers and for how long:

Lifetime or repopulating cover policies 

  • Intended to provide cover for the lifetime of your pet with the monetary limit, for vet’s fees, refreshing each and every year.
  • Provides cover for long-term conditions, such as arthritis and diabetes, to be treated and managed effectively.
  • As long as the policy is renewed each year and you pay the premiums, you will be able to claim up to the full monetary limit each year for accidents and illnesses for the rest of your pet’s life.

12 month time-limited policies

  • Provides cover up to a certain monetary limit or period of time (whichever comes first) for each separate condition diagnosed.
  • The time limit is typically 12 months from when the condition first showed signs or was first treated. Once the monetary or time limit is reached further claims for that condition are excluded.

Per condition cover or maximum benefit policies 

  • Provides cover up to a certain monetary limit for each separate condition diagnosed.
  • Once you have reached your limit, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to claim again for the same condition, even with another insurer.

Accident only policies 

  • Provides cover up to a certain monetary limit or period of time (whichever comes first) for an accidental injury only.
  • Claims for illnesses are not covered.

With Agria, it's lifetime, every time

At Agria, we believe pet insurance should last your pet’s lifetime. Our policies provide lifelong vet’s fees cover for illnesses and injuries. This means that, provided your policy is renewed each year, your maximum benefit will be refreshed, providing cover for ongoing conditions. So, whatever happens throughout your pet’s life, we’ll always be there for you and your pet.