4 ways to boost your dog's brain power

Throughout October and November, we're helping more senior pets get fantastic lifetime insurance! We'll be waiving the upper age limits that usually apply to a new policy, allowing more dogs, cats and rabbits to enjoy the most healthy and comfortable retirement.

The old adage ‘use it or lose it’ seems to be as true for our dogs as it is for us, and while our dogs can’t do online puzzles or crosswords, we can make sure we continue to train them within the limits of their physical abilities, teach them new skills and give them problem-solving exercises to keep them thinking and exercising their grey matter.

Forget that ‘you can’t teach an old dog new tricks’ – in fact a dog who has had a lifetime full of learning opportunities will be just as adept at mastering a new skill as a younger one with fewer learned behaviours to call on.

Brain games for older dogs enrich their lives, prevent boredom, and give us a way to interact with our veteran canine companion in a fun and stimulating way. 

Pictured: Cindy the senior Jack Russell - scroll down to find out more about her in our Age Amnesty video

Games in the house

Engage your dog’s brain with interactive games. Many of these don’t involve leaving the house and so you can give your dog mental puzzles to solve without tiring his body. These can be as simple as hiding treats inside an old toilet roll for him to shake out to more advanced search and sniff games.

Interactive toys

There are many interactive toys on the market – from Kongs that your dog can chew to remove treats (although these may be too tough for older teeth) to treat dispensing balls that can be easily rolled, or snufflemats that can be used to hide treats and even meals. Make sure all toys can be played with lying down so your dog isn’t standing for long periods or for when your dog needs to rest.

Games on a walk

You can play hide and seek games or lay scent trails with treats for your dog to follow – but be aware that you may need to keep him on a lead so he doesn’t wander off, especially if his hearing isn’t as good as it was.

Use your nose

While sight and hearing can fade in older dogs, their sense of smell seems to be more robust – and nearly every older dog seems to be able to sniff out a smelly treat.

Article written by Agria's Behaviourist and Trainer, Carolyn Menteith