Agria Horse of a Lifetime April Shortlist

Meet the shortlisted entries for our Horse of a Lifetime competition (April 2023)

Thank you to everyone who entered our Horse of a Lifetime competition in April. Read the stories for our four shortlisted horses below before casting your votes on social media.


Angel & Duke

Breed: Belgian Draft x Cob

Age: 11 yrs

Discipline/activity: We used to do showing however now we enjoy quiet hacks out enjoying nature

Duke is my Horse of a Lifetime because he has taught me so much, especially to keep on trying no matter how tough things get. When my grandmother passed away she left money in her will for me to get my own horse to bring on and to remember her by so he holds a special place in my heart for many reasons. When I first got Duke I couldn't go near him because he kicked me within the first few days of owning him so I became scared of him it took me months to get near him again, he wasn't an easy horse because he had been mistreated before I got him and didn't trust people so he would become defensive if anyone approached him. I overcame the fear and wanted to make my grandmother proud every single day, over the years we've hit many barriers many of which affected my confidence riding and handling him but after years of hard work and determination our bond is stronger than ever we have both achieved so much and I'm sure my grandmother would be proud of us too. 

Louise & Scarlett

Breed: Thoroughbred X

Age: 19 yrs

Discipline/activity: Hacking is our favourite and some schooling. Scarlett has loved hacking since I broke her in only 4 & 1/2 years ago at the age of 14.

Scarlett was used as a broodmare. She had 8 foals, she was on loan as a broodmare and she was starved. Her herd mates died around her and she is one of only 3 that fought so hard to survive. After rescue she was looked after, I then got her, backed her, broke her in & we started a new life together. Her determination for survival & everything since makes her my Horse of a Lifetime.

Sandra & Jessie

Breed: Irish Sports Horse

Age: 9 yrs

Discipline/activity: Showjumping

Jessie came into my life when I was going through a rough period in my life mentally. I learnt to ride as a young girl and rode for a dealer who bought and sold horses for many years before I drifted away from the horse world into nursing and raising a family. At the age of 55 I had the opportunity to buy my first horse and get back into riding after a 40 year gap.

I bought the Horse of a Lifetime called Jessie who taught me how to enjoy life again. We went to local shows together and fun rides or just hacked out in the forest together with a picnic. I spent hours in the field with Jessie just sitting and watching her eat not believing she was really mine. When I arrived from work to see her she always had a lovely whinny and after tea often fell asleep on my shoulder whilst I stroked her velvet nose.

Jessie was a super showjumper and we won many rosettes at local shows, something at the age of 55 I never dreamed I would be able to accomplish. Unfortunately Jessie became lame and had unsuccessful surgery which was then followed by a field injury that resulted in 12 days of her being cross tied in the stable with a fracture of her front leg. Jessie’s leg was not fractured but developed a nasty infection in the knee that led to stress laminitis. Weeks of box rest and special shoes to support her feet ensued. Following months of rehab Jessie never became sound and after a review by a top vet at Newmarket I made the most difficult decision of my life: I had Jessie put to sleep.

Jessie was my world. She taught me how to appreciate the small simple things in life. Jessie gave me unconditional love and was a very loyal horse. I remember Jessie with great fondness not for all the competitions we won but the times she held me up when I felt like falling to the ground. I would wrap my arms around her neck and snuggle into her neck. I remember her shouting on Sunday mornings when I dared have a lay in bed she would whinny at the top of the bank in front of the house telling me to get up she was hungry. I remember Jessie my sweet girl who followed me around the field and never left my side. We had a real partnership and was the smart one of our team. Jessie was and always will be the Horse of my Lifetime. I will always be grateful to her for being the kind girl she was allowing me to own and ride her was such an honour.

Audrey & Quick de la Lande

Breed: Selle Francais

Age: 19 yrs

Discipline/activity: All round activities excelling in showjumping and cross country

After having a break away from horses for 37 years, at age 53 [I] decided it was time to resume and got everything on my list that I didn’t want! Didn’t want a chestnut, wanted something I could get on and off. The only thing on the list I got that I wanted was she was a mare! But she was the first I looked at and there was an instant connection plus she shares my birthday! She was only 6 years old at the time! It took almost 2 years for her to “let me in” fully but when she did, how lucky am I? I have the bravest, nicest tempered mare in the world who is a joy to be with and take out on pony parties! She is very vocal and talks to me constantly when I am pottering around her with loving wuffles and nickers and is always pleased to see me!

She has allowed me to realise all my childhood pony mad dreams by taking me eventing, achieving a top 10 position in BE100 finishing on dressage score only. She has taken me on some exhilarating hunts and show jumps like a professional! We have represented our local riding clubs at numerous area qualifiers and she does her best at dressage although she rewrites the tests to suit herself much to my amusement and the judges! She has the heart of a lion and has given me 13 years of pure joy and I consider myself privileged to own her! I never give it a thought [when] jumping that we are not doing it and she really looks out for me!

Now aged 66 and 19 respectively we still compete and do everything we can together and will continue to do so for as long as we can! Who would have thought a 5’2'' and a 17hh liver chestnut would forge such a partnership? She was worth the 37 year wait and I love everything about her! If we are successful this would be my tribute to my gorgeous girl!

To vote, visit our Instagram and Facebook pages. Voting closes midnight on 30th April 2023. For full T&Cs, please visit the Horse of a Lifetime page.