Choosing a dog food

Agria supports the Animal Welfare Act 2006, and we're proud to partner with veterinary behaviourist Sophie White who has created this very useful guidance on how to choose a dog food.

Finding the right food for your dog

There are thousands of options when it comes to feeding your dog, but there should be 2 rules that you stick to when choosing a food:

1)  They must be complete & balanced

2)  They must be life stage appropriate

To help you pick, you should consider the following:

  •         What can you afford?
  •         What is practical to store & prepare?
  •         What does your dog like?
  •         Do they have any specific allergies or medical needs?


Add some variety

Consider having a couple of options for your dog to add variety, for example wet & dry or different flavours.

It is fine to give your dog small amounts of pet-safe foods, but you must ensure the bulk of their diet is balanced and you account for the extra calories.


We would like to thank veterinary behaviourist Sophie White for providing this article.

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