Cat food and dental health

Did you know that the most commonly diagnosed disorder in cats in the UK is periodontal (gum) disease?

Dental related disease is the biggest group of disorders in cats in the UK, with a whopping 22% of cats suffering from some form of dental disease, and 80% over three years old showing signs of dental disease.

Feeding your cat a diet of wet food alone can contribute to your cat developing a dental disorder because wet food has no abrasive action on the teeth. However, feeding a dry, crunchy kibble as part of your cat’s daily diet can help to prevent plaque build-up. This is because as a cat crunches the biscuits, it can help to scrape off the plaque, resulting in less tartar build up. Rachel Andre, Founder of Tippaws, says “feeding a dry crunchy food that your cat loves, such as Tippaws dry food, is a low-effort, easy, every-day way of helping to prevent periodontal disease in a way that is non-invasive for your cat.”


Thank you to our partner Tippaws for providing this guidance.


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