Expert advice for your dog

Find the best advice for your dog from our experts, certified behaviourists and fully-qualified vets.

Taking care of your dog

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How do I cut my dog’s nails?

If you hear a clicking noise when your dog walks across a hard floor, you know it is time for a trim!

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How do I brush my dog's teeth?

Did you know that dogs over three-years-old have a significant chance of already having dental disease?

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Small changes that make a big difference

We all try to be the best pet parents we can, but when life is busy, it can be easy to forget the small things that make the biggest difference to our very best friends...

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How do I choose a vet?

Finding a vet that is right for you and your pet is one of the most important decisions you will make. If you are a new pet owner, it’s a good idea to have chosen your vet before you actually need one!

Keeping your dog healthy

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How do I brush my dog's teeth?

Did you know that dogs over three-years-old have a significant chance of already having dental disease?


How to prevent dental problems, and how to spot them

Keeping your pet’s mouth clean and healthy is all part of being a responsible pet owner. Clean teeth and a healthy mouth are a good start to looking after your furry friend’s overall health.


Is my dog obese?

Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have a negative effect on your pet’s health.


The dangers of dogs eating slugs

Lungworm is a nasty and potentially fatal disease caused by the parasite, angiostrongylus vasorum, which is carried around by slugs and snails (gastropods). It can cause heart failure, breathing difficulties, seizures and bleeding disorders.

Understanding your dog's behaviour


Why is my dog eating grass?

Eating grass is very common in pet dogs – in fact, it’s been reported that more than two-thirds of them do it. Let’s have a look at some of the thinking behind this habit.

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Why does my dog eat poo?

Although we humans think this is a pretty disgusting behaviour, it’s actually a very common problem and fairly natural for dogs. There are a few reasons why your dog might indulge in this, but what should you do about it?

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Understanding and preventing separation anxiety

With many of us spending much more time at home recently, we are expecting to see a spike in separation anxiety issues when we return to work. What is separation anxiety and what can we do to prevent it?

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My dog is struggling with a quiet house

For dogs who are used to having the whole family at home, things have changed. Carolyn Menteith, our Behaviourist and Trainer, gives some advice on how to help your dog cope with 'back to school' and remember the important skills they might have forgotten

Dog food and nutrition

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Can my dog eat fruit?

Like humans, dogs are omnivores, which means they can eat both meat and fruit Here’s a guide to some of the most popular fruits and their benefits for dogs, as well as some to avoid

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Can dogs eat bananas?

Many dogs love the taste of banana. But before you give them a chunk, find out if dogs can eat bananas...

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Can dogs eat cucumber?

Dogs enjoy a chunk of crunchy, hydrating cucumber! But, should you feed it to them? Is it safe for them to eat?

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Can dogs eat tomatoes?

Is it safe to feed your dog or puppy red or green tomatoes?

Creating a safe environment for your dog

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Creating a dog-friendly garden

Having fun with your dog in the garden is a great way to spend quality time together! What could you do with your garden to make it even safer and more fun for warmer days hanging out with your best friend?

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Why shouldn’t I throw sticks for my dog?

What dog owner doesn’t love to spend some quality time together playing a game of fetch? But what many owners don’t realise is that this innocent game can lead to severe injury and hefty vet bills if it involves sticks.

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Keep Your Dogs Safe from Thieves

Dog theft is increasing at an alarming rate. Animals are being stolen to order, either to be forced into breeding on puppy farms or to be sold on for quick cash. Many of the stolen dogs are being taken abroad where there is less chance of ever seeing them again.


Pet Poisons - Essential Advice

Poisoning is one of the most common reasons pet owners call the Pet Health Helpline, and as with most things, prevention is better than cure. Being aware of food and products that are toxic to your pet and keeping them out of their reach is essential.

Walking your dog

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When is it too hot to walk your dog?

For some people, hot, sunny weather it may seem fine for a lovely walk. But, dogs are not like us. They can find it very difficult to deal with extreme heat and will become dehydrated and overheat quickly

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5 reasons your dog loves going for a W-A-L-K!

You put your walking boots on, grab some treats, a few poop bags, and then finally pick up their lead... they know the signs when it's time for walkies! For many dogs, it's their absolute favourite thing to do and there are lots great benefits to your dog as well as helping them to stay fit and healthy.

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Top 10 dog walks in the UK

There is no greater pleasure for many dog owners than heading off on a walking adventure with your faithful canine companion. So, what’s the best dog walk in the UK? Our list of the top 10 dog walks in the UK may give you an idea for your next trip.

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How soon can I walk my dog after neutering?

Having your dog neutered is a routine procedure, but making sure your dog has enough time to recover before you take them out walking again is crucial

Caring for your senior dog


Typical problems with older dogs

Just as the aging process catches up with us, so too does it with our beloved dogs. In fact, many of the aging issues we can suffer from can also be common in senior dogs. Therefore, it’s important to know some of the most common senior dog health issues and illnesses.

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Living with older dogs

Throughout October and November, we're helping more senior pets get fantastic lifetime insurance! We'll be waiving the upper age limits that usually apply to a new policy, allowing more dogs, cats and rabbits to enjoy the most healthy and comfortable retirement.


Exercising senior dogs

Throughout October and November, we're helping more senior pets get fantastic lifetime insurance! We'll be waiving the upper age limits that usually apply to a new policy, allowing more dogs, cats and rabbits to enjoy the most healthy and comfortable retirement.


Behaviour and the older brain

You are what you eat – and owners need to make sure their dog is getting a good species appropriate diet that gives them all the nutritional support they need to support good mental health – and that they are drinking enough water.

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