Call our expert vet nurses about any problem you have 24/7 on 03333 32 19 47
If your pet seems unwell, or if you have a general query about your pet’s health, you can call our 24 hour veterinary advice service, its free to all policy holders.
The service is not designed to replace a consultation with your vet, it is designed to be a first point of call for you to talk to an RCVS registered veterinary nurses who will give advise you of whether you need to take your pet to the vet or not.
Want peace of mind that you are doing the right thing? Call the Pet Health Helpline on 03333 32 19 47. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The Pet Health Advice Line is FREE to Agria policy holders. So if you are unsure whether to go to the vet, or you just want peace of mind and advice from a trusted expert, call the Pet Health Helpline on 03333 32 19 47.
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